Versadock today launched the much awaited DrySail™system designed and engineered specifically for the modern-day lifting
keelboat market. The revolutionary system that ensures the boat is kept,
and can be maintained, 100% out of the water without the need to hire a boat lift.
For the launch itself, Versadock installed a demonstration setup showing how the system can save lifting keelboat owners time, effort and money. The design is based on the existing tried, tested and much loved Versadock floating module system.
DrySail™ and Versadock will be at the 2013 Tullett Prebon London Boat show until the 20th January, please come along and see this innovative piece of British design for yourself. You can also find out more about DrySail™ on our website at
Chris Wilson
Managing Director
Versadock International Limited
Chris Wilson, Versadock Sales Director, addresses an enthused audience photo courtesy onEdition |
A post-launch Chris relaxes next to the DrySail™ exhibit photo courtesy onEdition |
Chris Wilson
Managing Director
Versadock International Limited